

Dorothy Yiu OAM JP


BSSc (SW), GDipCouns (Grief & Loss), GDipLib, GDipExeSci

Founder of the Chinese Cancer and Chronic Illness Society of Victoria (CCCIS) in 1996, Dorothy has a background in social work and counselling. Having been working in the field for almost four decades, Dorothy has extensive experiences in health and human services, such as aged care, domestic violence, disability and migrant services. She has also been a cancer health educator for over 25 years focusing on cancer prevention and support.

Wina Kung

Deputy Chairperson

MSW, M. SSci (Training & HRM), B. Social Work

Wina has been involving with the Chinese Cancer and Chronic Illness Society of Victoria (CCCIS) since 2001 participating in organisation events and as an advisor for CCCIS for over three years. Wina is a retired General Manager in Community Aged Care, she specialises in strategic planning, service operations and management of community aged care and disability services. Special interests include care at home for older people and people with a disability, Dementia care, and multicultural communities. Multicultural/Diversity is one of Wina’s passions. She works with a range of people from various cultural backgrounds and builds relationships and partnerships with diverse groups.

Wanling Zhang

Hon. Secretary

BMed, MHSc

A volunteer and a member of the Committee of Management of Chinese Cancer and Chronic Illness Society of Victoria (CCCIS) since 2011, Wanling has been the Secretary of CCCIS since 2013. Wanling was trained in and practised Chinese Medicine in China. After completing her Master of Health Science in Latrobe University, Wanling has been working in the health and community service sector in Australia for over 25 years. She has extensive experience in aged care, domestic violence, disability support, health education and promotion, migrant and refugee settlement support, and training.

Jacob Lee



With over 20 years strategic leadership and direct management experience in not-for-profit (NFP) and social enterprises, Jacob is a certified practising accountant and a qualified social worker trained in gestalt therapy. He has been involved in settlement, housing, aged care and disability services, victims of crime counselling and has overseen finance, information and communication technology, human resource and quality assurance functions of NFP organisations.

Dr Frank Wang

Committee Member


Dr Frank Wang graduated from University of Melbourne in 2017. He is a medical doctor with special interest in health promotion and chronic illness prevention especially among the local Chinese community. He has been a committee member of CCCIS since 2018 and has participated in several health promotion events with a wide range of topics including COVID, vaccination, osteoporosis, dementia, organ donation and my health record.

Mandy Lee

Committee Member

BSSc, DipEd, MA, MEd

As an education consultant, Mandy Lee started her career as a teacher, teacher educator and curriculum developer.  She had an experience of teaching in the primary, secondary and tertiary institutions and was the editor of a series of General Studies textbooks for Primary 1 to 6 students in Hong Kong. Her work on designing the bilingual advanced care planner, “My Farewell Wishes” booklet was well received by the Australian Chinese community. 

Margaret Yung

Committee Member

BSW, AASW member

Margaret is a social worker and is currently working in the community not for profit organisation. Margaret experiences includes counselling, advocacy, and case management, focuses on the areas of aged care, dementia care, culturally appropriate support, parenting education, as well as disability and mental health advocacy and support in the last twenty years.


Mr K.H. Lai

Benefactor of Datuk Fook Kim House

Ms Alice Wong


Mr Tony Xie


Ms Sue Herbst



Mr Michael Cheng (Breast Surgeon)
Dr Kevin Siu AM (Neurosurgeon)
Dr Paul Ng (Psychiatrist)
Dr Aaron Wong (Palliative Care Physician & Medical Oncologist)

Mr Richard Bradford

IT 顧問

Mr Frankie Chen
