Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.本年度能擔任義工的時間: My availability of volunteering at CCCIS: *請列明 如: 星期一下午、星期五上午等 Please SPECIFY, e.g. Monday PM, Friday AM, etc.🚩 義工協議 VOLUNTEER AGREEMENT本人同意本年度在維省新生會以義工身份參與以下所剔選的項目。(請剔選你的選擇, 可多選) I will take on the following duties in CCCIS as a volunteer during the nominated year of time (can choose more than one option)本人同意本年度在維省新生會以義工身份參與以下所剔選的項目。(請剔選你的選擇, 可多選) *Roster 值班Family support/Transport 家庭/交通服務Functions 大型節目Facilitating support groups/Tutoring 互助小組組長/導師Meals 膳食in-home patient/carer support 居家患者/照顧者支援服務Chinese Free Meals project 福飯送溫暖服務計劃Newsletter/ Publications/ Multimedia resources 季刊/出版/多媒體資料Secretarial/Administrative/IT/Website 文書/電腦/互聯網/網站維護Maintenance/Gardening 維修/園藝Community education/display 社區教育/宣傳攤位Book keeping/accounting 財務Occupational and Health 職業安全Training service 培訓Fundraising 籌款Environmental Hygiene 環境衛生Craft work 手工藝Others (Please specify) 其他 (請註明)Others (Please specify) 其他 (請註明)我亦同意遵受以下義工守則 I also agree to abide by the following CCCIS volunteer Code of Practice as a registered volunteer.1. Carry out the job under the CCCIS/s statement of missions, policies and procedures and works co-operatively with other CCCIS staff and volunteers. 跟據CCCIS的使命、政策和程序提供服務,並與其他CCCIS工作人員和義工合作。 2. Attend to the job safely at all times when you carry out your duties with your clients and the general public. 在任何工作情況下,都應把客戶,公衆人士和自身的安全放在第一位 3. Observe confidentiality and privacy of everyone in the CCCIS community (clients, volunteers and staff) and any management planning and strategies (intellectual property) in relation to CCCIS’s business activities. 對於新生會所有成員的情況及新生會行政上的一切策劃(知識產權),應自始至終給予保密並保護隱私。 4. Observe impartiality when relating to CCCIS clients and volunteers regardless of factors such as religious beliefs, life style or political views. 無論在任何情況下,如宗教信仰,生活方式及政治觀點,對客戶和義工,都要保持公正態度。 5. Volunteers must not either directly or indirectly engage in conduct that may result in a conflict of interest to the members and/or CCCIS. 義工不能直接或間接地從事某種可能會導致新生會及/或其會員/客戶有利益衝突的行為。 A conflict of interest includes 利益衝突包括: a. the sale or promotion of goods or services to clients and members, or any attempt by a volunteer to do such acts on or outside CCCIS premises. 不論在會所或外部, 企圖向本會客戶或會員銷售或促銷個人商品或服務。 b. referring a client or member to a good or service as being available from a third party, regardless of whether the volunteer will receive a benefit or commission as a result of the referral. 無論義工將獲得某種利益(例如: 轉介的傭金)與否, 轉介商業其他服務給客戶或會員。 c. promoting his or her own vested interests, whether commercial or otherwise. 獲取個人的利益,不論是商業性或其他 For example 例如, * Use of official facilities and equipment 使用官方的設施和設備 * Use of official information 使用官方資訊 * Personal beliefs 個人信念 * Public comment 公眾的意見 * Political or religious participation 政治或宗教參與 6. Personal medical or dietetic advice should never be provided to any member or client. 在任何情況下,都不能向客戶或會員提供個人醫療或飲食上的意見。 7. No public statements about CCCIS’s financial matters or policies made without the prior agreement of the Committee of Management。 未經本會管理委員會批准, 不得在公共場合就本會提供的財政或政策發表聲明。 8. I will work voluntarily in areas that the CCCIS and I have agreed upon in this statement. 在CCCIS, 我的工作領域只限於我在此所登記的工作。 9. Registered volunteers who do not involve in any voluntary work within 6 months will be deemed to have withdrawn from the volunteer position unless an apology is recorded with the secretary. 註冊義工在6個月內不參與義務工作將被視為已取消義工的職位,除非義工已呈上道歉信。 10. All registered volunteers should fulfil 10-15 hrs of voluntary work within a period of 3 months (except in a situation that there is no available job for you) and attend 80% of volunteer inservice training sessions of a calendar year. 所有註冊義工務需每三個月內工作十到十五小時(除非沒有被委派工作),及參加毎年80%的培訓。⚠️ 請仔細閱讀並剔選以下二者以確認並完成您的義工協議和職位年度更新 Please read carefully and tick both to complete your Volunteer Agreement AND Position Annual Renewal *我已閱讀、理解並同意遵守上述維省新生會義工守則 I have read, understood and agreed to abide by the above CCCIS Volunteer Code of Practice as a registered volunteer.我亦已閱讀並理解下述隱私聲明 I have also read and understood the following Privacy Statement.Privacy and Confidentiality 隱私和保密聲明 We only collect information that is necessary for us to carry out functions or activities. In this case, we require the information to assist us to process your volunteer statement. You may choose not to provide us with some or all of the information that we request. If you choose to do this, we may not be able to process your statement. We will only disclose the information where we need to advance your interests, or when we are required by law to disclose it. Generally we will try to ensure that you are aware whenever information is being disclosed to a third party. We will endeavour to keep all information about you confidential. You are entitled to ask what information we hold about you and to seek access to the information. 本會所搜集之資料只因應在行政或活動上所需。以此為例,閣下所提供之資料可助我們處理閣下義工的職位申請;及讓我們準確地與閣下保持聯絡。閣下可選擇性地提供我們所需之資料,但此舉可能會阻誤我們處理閣下之義工申請和註册。我們有可能將閣下之資料呈示於第三者,但只建基在有利於閣下之情況下或法規所需;且盡可能確保在呈示之前能知會閣下。有關閣下的一切資料,本會會竭力確保保密。閣下亦可向我們查詢或索取有關閣下在本會所儲存之個人資料。請輸入你的名字及填寫日期以確認義工承諾 Please enter your NAME and DATE to confirm your volunteer commitment *填寫日期 Renewal Date:NameSubmit 提交