Chinese Meals Free to People in Need
Chinese Cancer and Chronic Illness Society of Victoria is piloting a free meals service on a short-term basis for isolated Chinese elderly who are unable to cook for themselves due to sickness or other difficult circumstances. Cancer sufferers under 65 undergoing treatments such as chemotherapy or radiotherapy are also welcome to receive this service.
The program gives caring people in the community an opportunity to share an extra portion of food with their neighbours who need that extra practical assistance.
Our team of committed volunteers will cook and deliver their home-cooked meals to the doors of people in need at no cost once a fortnight, through arrangements that suit individual recipients. We ensure that our volunteers complete a food handling course and undergo relevant reference checks.
Catchment Areas:
Suburbs of the urban areas of Melbourne (please contact our team to check)
* Certain locations may not be available for Meals Service if there is no chef available.
This project is sponsored by an anonymous foundation and the Opalgate Foundation. We have also been receiving in-kind support from Oriental Merchant Pty Ltd. and Hong Kong Supermarket.
Please contact our family support team for more information. We are more than happy to discuss further with you about our Meals Service.
For further information please contact:
CCCIS Office
(03) 9898 9575 / 8373 4828
Office Hours:
Monday – Friday
9:30am – 5:30pm