Chronic Illness Awareness Day 2022

Chronic Illness Awareness Day 2022

The Chinese Cancer and Chronic Illness Society of Victoria hosted its 10th Chronic Illness Awareness Day on 29th October at Hawthorn Library. Over 70 people from the community attended the event including in-person and online participants. Four guest speakers covered topics on bowel cancer, movement disorders, insomnia, and autism which were well-received by the participants. The event was officially opened by Shera Leonny, President of the Australian Chinese Medical Association of Victoria

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Floral Arrangement Workshop 

Floral Arrangement Workshop 

A sustainable floral arrangement workshop was held on 11/10 at the Society. All the flowers and leaves were picked from the garden, instead of purchasing from the flower shops. All the participants enjoyed the day. Not only it gave them the opportunity to work together to practise flower arrangement, but it also provided a space of tranquillity for them to concentrate on their arrangement. They also took their own arrangement

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