Gardening Program at Hope Garden

1. Horticultural Program

At Hope Garden, our mission is to foster improved well-being for individuals through the power of horticulture. We provide support rooted in horticultural therapy, leveraging plants and gardening activities to promote physical, mental, and social health. Our program also emphasizes sustainability. Though our garden may seem simple with its vegetable planters, we utilize every corner to fulfill our objectives: create, connect, exercise, learn new skills, and enjoy the fruits and vegetables of our hard work.

We welcome everyone to join us, whether you’re living with a chronic illness (such as cancer, dementia, or Parkinson’s disease), looking to learn and share gardening skills, seeking to make new friends, or simply wanting to have some fun. We’re here to support you in any way you choose.

2. Intergenerational Gardening – Connecting with Nature

Our intergenerational programs serve as platforms to connect communities (both young and old), address environmental issues, and empower people to understand the food system and the benefits of gardening. We believe that by hosting these activities, we can contribute to a more cohesive and healthier community.

Under the supervision of a horticultural therapist, CCCIS offers intergenerational gardening activities in a safe environment. These allow early learning centers’ children to collaborate with seniors to:

• foster positive relationships between children and older adults through shared life experiences and fun
• improve physical, social, and mental well-being for both children and seniors
• encourage children’s interest in gardening and help them develop their green thumbs
• stimulate children’s sensory exploration and motor skills development

Hands-On Activities:

• Growing and learning about plants
• Outdoor art
• Sensory exploration (e.g., smelling and hearing in the garden)
• Food preparation for cooking activities

If you’re interested in giving it a try, please contact us at 98989575.


From Bonnie Yim, Associate Professor, Associate Dean (International & Engagement), Faculty of Arts & Education, Deakin University: “CCCIS’s Gardening Program at Hope Garden has cultivated a sense of connection, learning, and shared joy across generations in the community. What sets this program apart is the sense of unity it has created. The garden serves as a meeting place, breaking down generational barriers and fostering friendships that might not have developed in other settings. This program has not only added vibrancy to our community but has also supported participants’ overall well-being. It’s a living testament to the power of intergenerational collaboration, where each member, regardless of age, brings something valuable to the table. The conversation, the shared tasks, and the genuine camaraderie transcend age, creating a sense of belonging for all involved.”

From the director of an early learning center: “Thank you very much for letting us visit your center today. You have beautiful gardens and amazing people over there. We are looking forward to visiting you soon!”