2018 Drama performance – Say Goodbye to Hush Hush
The CCCIS drama team proudly presented the drama, Say Goodbye to Hush Hush, on July 21 at Doncaster Playhouse. Say Goodbye to Hush Hushย is a comical educational skit. It follows the Chinese Cancer and Chronic Illness Society of Victoria's first drama, "The Glamorous Funeral" in a series designed to encourage people to think about death and dying from a different perspective.
While we did not have a full house attendance, the skit was well received by the audience.
Some of the comments were:
"What an innovation," Dr Aaron Wong, palliative care specialist, oncologist, Austin Health
"Well done, very informative"
"Excellent acting"
"Well written script"
The team will perform again, free of charge, on 29/9 to celebrate Victoria Senior Citizens Week at Sameway Theatre at Mahoneys Road, Forest Hill.
Please contact our office, Tel 9898 9575 or email us, enquiry@cccis.org.au if you would like to obtain a ticket.