2018 Drama performance – Say Goodbye to Hush Hush

2018 Drama performance – Say Goodbye to Hush Hush

The CCCIS drama team proudly presented the drama, Say Goodbye to Hush Hush, on July 21 at Doncaster Playhouse. Say Goodbye to Hush Hush is a comical educational skit. It follows the Chinese Cancer and Chronic Illness Society of Victoria’s first drama, “The Glamorous Funeral” in a series designed to encourage people to think about death and dying from a different perspective. While we did not have a full house attendance,

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Seminar: Caring of people with terminal cancer at home

Seminar: Caring of people with terminal cancer at home

Caring of people with terminal cancer at home Caring for someone with terminal cancer during the last few weeks and days of life can be stressful and demanding. Many different feelings and emotions may surface at this time. Carers are often concerned that death will be a painful experience for the person and worry about some of the signs and changes that may appear before death. Family members may also

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