捐款表格 Donation Form
如果您已經通過線上或線下向我們進行了捐款,可通過填寫此表格告知我們。或打印此表格、填寫並郵寄給我們 If you have already donated to us online or offline, you can let us know by filling out this form. Or you could print this form, fill it out and mail it to us.

再次感謝您的慷慨解囊與支持。Once again, thank you for your generous and compassionate support.

(如有/If any)
* Optional 選填
備註: 1. 捐款2元或以上將獲發減稅收據; 2. 收集的資料必會保密處理,並只供我們與您聯絡之用。 Remarks: 1. A tax-deductible receipt will be issued to donations of $2 or above. 2. Data collected will be treated strictly confidential and for communication with you only