Daffodil Day Stall in Box Hill Central

Daffodil Day Stall in Box Hill Central

A team of our volunteers supported Daffodil Day by hosting a stall at Box Hill Central on Friday 24 August. We had a more catchy spot this year and more passersby came to the stall to buy merchandise or donate money to Cancer Council Victoria. We raised over $1000.

2018 Drama performance – Say Goodbye to Hush Hush

2018 Drama performance – Say Goodbye to Hush Hush

The CCCIS drama team proudly presented the drama, Say Goodbye to Hush Hush, on July 21 at Doncaster Playhouse. Say Goodbye to Hush Hush is a comical educational skit. It follows the Chinese Cancer and Chronic Illness Society of Victoria’s first drama, “The Glamorous Funeral” in a series designed to encourage people to think about death and dying from a different perspective. While we did not have a full house attendance,

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